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Lane Murray Unit, Gatesville, Texas

1 year in solitary / ad seg


January 6, 2024


Photography by TEXAS LETTERS

My name is Carrie Vance and I am incarcerated in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. I was moved to administrative seg in June 3rd 2022. I have lived in Administrative seg for 19 months and I do not have a job. 

We are offered indoor and outdoor recreate twice a week. In population I had freinds and television. I feel that I have been seperated from my peers and loving support from other inmates. Prison workers visit our dorm on a daily basis to clean and serve meals. Our cells have a bunk, desk, sink and toilet. The dorm has Two Rows of 40 cells. Two showers and regular maintenance service. Medical employee’s visit the inmates and officers make routine rounds. Laundry services are offered 3 days a week and bring news and information plus supplies. 

Inmates that live in population enjoy companionship and meals together. Administrative seg provides protection for inmates that suffer from mental illness or physical ailments. I was told that I would live in Administrative seg for 2 years.

I receive Mental Health services and have been on medication for years.

Inmates are moved to 2 man cells from Administrative seg called G4. Its possible that 2 man cells can provide access to open conflict between inmates. Inmates that receive major cases are supposed to be housed in Administrative seg for up to 2 years. Compatible housing is very important in Prison and inmates need officer support. The chaplaincy visits Administrative seg regularly for prayer requests. Salvation Army supporters and church members visit us. Its possible that I will complete my Prison sentence in Administrative seg because of disciplinary cases of conflict with other inmates. I’m praying to stay out of trouble and return home to my family. I feel that inmate safety should be considered concerning housing assignments. I have been transferred to 6 different Prison Units and a Parole Program Unit that I was discharged from.

I’m praying that Lane Murray is my assigned Unit and I complete my sentence here.


            Carrie Vance


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